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La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

DASB senate to publish newsletter, use time cards next academic year

Mehek Kapur, Staff Reporter | June 15, 2019

The DASB senate presented goals for the next academic year, including publishing a DASB newsletter, at the June 10 meeting. “I feel La Voz brings the worst of us to the public, so I feel having our...

Spring DASB President hopes to enact anti-fraternization, senator compensation policies

Mehek Kapur, Staff Reporter | June 3, 2019

Lawrence Su said he had a passion for helping the community grow and improve through the DASB senate since he first came to De Anza College, something he intends to continue doing as the interim DASB president. Su...

Editorial: DASB senator pay undeserved and irresponsible

La Voz Editorial board | May 17, 2019

The student government leader’s resolution to pay DASB senators for their work shows just how self-indulgent and out of touch they are with De Anza College’s financial reality. During their May...

DASB senators vote to pay themselves top rate among local colleges

Ethan Bennett and Julia Kolman, Editors | May 17, 2019

 The DASB senate endorsed the student leader compensation resolution to request to pay senators $930 and executive officers $1,200 per quarter. The endorsed resolution will be presented to the...

DASB senate endorses student leader compensation resolution

Mehek Kapur, Staff Reporter | May 16, 2019

DASB senate passed a resolution to request payments for student senators at their May 15 meeting. The May 8 resolution proposed payments of $720 for senators and $1,200 for executives quarterly. The...

DASB proposes quarterly payments to student senators

Ella Shih, Staff Reporter | May 7, 2019

DASB senators debated whether they should be paid quarterly for their work at the May 1 meeting. The first draft proposed payments of $100 per quarter for student senators and $200 per quarter for executives. Through...

Stricter policies against student-teacher relationships

Christian Trujano, Assistant News Editor | May 7, 2019

Student senators in California Community Colleges are advocating for strict language policy changes in school legislation, including Foothill-De Anza, prohibiting relationships among students and faculty. Policies...

Record breaking amount of DASB applications, the pressure is on

Yami Sun, Staff Reporter | November 24, 2018

Almost 30 candidates submitted an application for DASB senate’s midterm election, making it an all-time high, said the senate’s legislative affairs officer on Wednesday, Nov. 14. “If you want to...

DASB senate mulls replacing 'The Don'

DASB senate mulls replacing ‘The Don’

Johanna Berntsson, Staff Reporter | November 5, 2018

Graphic by Stephanie Lam The DASB senate is looking into replacing the Don, according to DASB senator Allison Shevtsov. According to Shevtsov, ‘The Don’, which is the current mascot of De Anza, is...

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