The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

From left, Christopher Deming, faculty advisor, Fenan Feno, 19, biology major, Chetnaa Prasad, 19, biology major and Chemistry Fusion Society officers in the Physical Sciences and Technology Village after their first meeting on June 13.
Chemistry Fusion Society aims to unite students with an interest in the subject in a college facing staffing issues
Xitlaly Martinez, La Voz Staff
Temporary fencing wraps around the Flint Center building on May 22.
Measure G task force starting from scratch
Ingrid Lu, La Voz Staff
Contraceptive devices, menstruation products and Narcan kits in the Pride Center foyer available to De Anza College Students on June 20.
Pride Center’s free condoms are being pierced and are deemed unusable
Xitlaly Martinez, La Voz Staff
Protesters, including De Anza students pause for the Israeli national anthem during the rally at the Library Quad on May 21.
Jewish community rallies against antisemitism
Frank Mayers and Ann Penalosa
An image created using canva about Donald Trumps conviction.
DA Voices: What is your opinion on Donald Trump’s felony conviction?
Marissa Rentschler, La Voz Staff
A digital collage depicting the U.S. Capitol and a crossed out TikTok logo.
DA Voices: 'What is your opinion on the TikTok ban?'
Alexander Stoev, La Voz Staff
Ryan Atristain, 20, a history major, sits in the L quad.
DA Voices - 'What did you do over spring break?'
Danielius Maslovskis and Taly Shenhar
Elizabeth Tsai, 17, a computer engineering major, walks by the L Quad on Mar. 14.
DA Voices: Women's History Month
Ingrid Lu and Sabrina Kulieva
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