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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Fewer resources available for future De Anza students

Stephanie Lam and Shiri Marwaha | January 13, 2019

Students will see an absence of classified staff in the Student Success Center after a consensus vote was passed, eliminating six classified positions during a joint College Council, Administrative Services,...

De Anza College Football saved

Christian Trujano, Editor-in-Chief | December 3, 2018

After two weeks of strategic planning, the De Anza College football program has been saved from elimination, for now. The Instructional Planning and Budget team voted Nov. 27 to give award-winning...

De Anza football gets another chance

Christian Trujano and Brenna White | November 12, 2018

Football was given two weeks for the dean of athletics to come up with a plan to make more cuts in the program, said Lorrie Ranck, co-chair of the Instructional Planning and Budget Team. College Council...

Defensive back, Aaron	Couch delivering a heartfelt speech on how football molded him into the man he is today at the Oct. 30 IPBT meeting.

Playoff bound De Anza football team may be doomed

Christian Trujano, My Do, and Tyson Tsoi | October 31, 2018

Two weeks after impassioned pleas to keep De Anza’s football program because of the diverse students it serves, the committee charged with making cuts voted against the team. The football team is...

The pressure is on for IPBT to meet their large deficit in less than a week

Christian Trujano, Editor-in-Chief | October 27, 2018

The Instructional Planning and Budget Team need to finalize recommend cuts for an estimated $2.35 million budget deficit to college council by Nov. 1. With little time remaining to deal with such a...

Football head coach Tony Santos stands in the middle aisle of the present onlookers with a majority of De Anza’s Football team present in the hearing of Football’s call to elimination.

Women’s water polo, wildlife science technician recommended for elimination

Christian Trujano, Editor-in-Chief | October 23, 2018

The women’s water polo team and wildlife science technician program at De Anza have been approved for elimination by the Instructional Planning and Budget team during last week's meeting on Oct. 16...

Budget cuts to custodial positions may reduce De Anza’s cleanliness

Simone Clay, Staff Reporter | July 7, 2018

De Anza College will lose custodial and grounds positions affecting overall cleanliness on campus, according to members of the Administrative Services Planning and Budget Team. The APPA-U is the body...

IPBT will look at layoffs for future decisions, program cuts to also carry over in fall

Ethan Maneja, Staff Reporter | June 28, 2018

Plans determining which De Anza College programs will be referred for Viability studies will continue into fall. The De Anza Instructional Planning Budget Team did not reach its goal cutting the $4.6...

De Anza Budget Crisis: Music

June 28, 2018

De Anza College’s music department is one of 21 programs, voted on by the Instructional Planning and Budget Team, to be reviewed by an administrative Viability Advisory Team. An increase of the district...

Graphic by: Benjamin Estrada

Tennis, paralegal studies, massage therapy face ax

Ethan Maneja, Staff Reporter | June 20, 2018

The De Anza College administrative Viability Advisory Team recommended elimination for men’s and women’s tennis teams, paralegal studies and massage therapy during the June 5 Instruction Planning and...

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