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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Lightsaber dueling more a sport than gaming

Ashley Gonzalez, Staff Reporter | April 8, 2019

A sport is defined as “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” Despite us entering an era where gaming...

College admissions corrupted by wealth, legacy

Mehek Kapur, Staff Reporter | April 8, 2019

In light of the FBI’s Operation Varsity Blues, which revealed parents across the country bribing coaches, SAT test proctors, and other college admissions officials as well as staging scores and extracurricular...

Digital art, just as real as your piece of paper

Mehek Kapur, Staff Reporter | March 29, 2019

One of the greatest and most tragic misconceptions of the art world is those who believe that digital art isn’t real art. Digital art is not just a passing fad, it is a new form of art that makes it...

Overnight parking for students struggling with homelessness

Mary Donahue, Guest Columnist | March 26, 2019

Homeless students will be able to sleep in their cars overnight at De Anza and other community college campuses if California Assembly Bill 302 passes. Decision-makers on campus are already talking about...

A different form of independence

Maryam Golkar, Staff Reporter | March 25, 2019

Breaking away from my parents, who have always provided for me in so many ways, did not mean moving out or becoming financially independent when I first started at De Anza College. It meant taking my...

Student journalism: Crucial element of life at De Anza

La Voz Editorial Board | March 23, 2019

Student journalism is more than just another major. For us at La Voz News, journalism is not just something we want to pursue, but something we have to. A working government needs journalists to hold...

Find stress relief during finals through music

Shiri Marwaha, Staff Reporter | March 21, 2019

Instrumental music in the background helps you study better and increases productivity, especially with finals around the corner. Studying in silence is too eerie but at the same time catchy lyrics are...

Campus libertarian club poses no problem

Thomas Anthony, Staff Reporter | March 21, 2019

College campuses should be places where everyone is allowed to express their opinions, regardless of how palatable those views are to other students, staff or teachers. The Young Americans for Liberty...

Blackfishing: Social media influencers making money from cultural appropriation

Blackfishing: Social media influencers making money from cultural appropriation

Thomas Anthony, Staff Reporter | March 19, 2019

The problem of cultural appropriation has again raised its head on social media. And again ignorance and hubris have combined in dangerous quantities among social media influencers and celebrities at the...

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