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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

From left, Yuanbo Pang, 19, computer science major, Cecilia Ji, 19, economics major, and Hongming Liu, 22, math major, pose as a group in front of the Kirsch Center on Nov. 1.

Student project takes learning beyond the classroom

Carolyn Zhao, La Voz Staff | December 11, 2024

Located on the far edge of De Anza’s campus, behind the empty stretches of parking lot D and construction fencing, is a hub of some of the most cutting-edge environmental science work done on campus....

New growth in vertical garden.

Vertical garden makes new life from the discarded

Stephanie Lam, Staff Reporter | April 28, 2019

Tucked away in the back garden of the De Anza College Kirsch Center stands a wooden box holding soil-filled plastic water bottles. These bottles compose a vertical garden, although only a few native...

De Anza student intern, Robert Scott looks at a deer on recorded footage on Jan. 18.

Wildlife project shows videos of creatures around campus.

Yami Sun, Staff Reporter | January 28, 2019

If you follow De Anza’s wildlife special project’s Instagram page, you might think that grey foxes, coyotes, bobcats, or even California mountain lions show up regularly around campus. The project...

A butterfly lands on a plant in the garden.

Monarch butterfly garden: breeding ground for insects and scientists

My Do, Staff Reporter | October 14, 2018

In summer 2018, De Anza’s Monarch Butterfly Garden released into the wild 14 adult monarch butterflies, after saving and nurturing over 100 eggs from the milkweed plants. Data collected by the project...

The Kirsch Center: De Anza's own cultivating garden and hangout spot

The Kirsch Center: De Anza’s own cultivating garden and hangout spot

Talia Alvarez | March 5, 2015

Life at De Anza College is busy, but a trip to the Kirsch Center garden can help reduce the stress. Surrounded by California native plants, anyone who stands in the Kirsch Center garden can smell the...

De Anza’s new state of the art weather station

De Anza’s new state of the art weather station

Taylor Bicht, Staff Writer | November 3, 2014

A new weather station installed on the De Anza Community College campus makes the school part of an 8,000-station network in the United States. The station was installed on August 20 on top of the Kirsch...

Chris Lepe, a community planner for non-profit organization TransForm, reaches out to De Anza College students during the “Talking Green” event on Oct. 17.

Talking Green talks Bus Rapid Transit

Katie Phan, Staff Writer | October 28, 2013

Around 90 students discussed De Anza sustainability concerns and services at the “Talking Green” event held inside conference room B on Oct. 17. The event, organized by the DASB Senate Environmental Sustainability...

De Anza College students come together and work hard to start the garden outside of the Kirsch Center on Oct. 16.

Student garden at Kirsch Center

Zee Wang, Staff Writer | October 28, 2013

De Anza College student Liana Hua welcomed volunteers to help start a garden outside the Kirsch Center on Wednesday morning, Oct. 16. Hua, studying environmental science, said she will welcome...

The Media & Learning center draws students with its environmentally friendly student lounges and quiet outdoor garden areas.

De Anza Hang Outs

Phelan O’Bryan, Freelancer | September 20, 2013

Students, what are the main things you do between classes? Hang out and mingle waiting for your next one to begin. For new students coming into De Anza, here are a few spots that seem to draw the attention...

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