De Anza College cuts down campus’ largest redwood tree

Lianna Martinez, Staff Reporter

De Anza College cut down one of the campus’ largest Coast Redwood trees due to severe drought stress.

The tree did not obtain enough water to survive on campus, said Sally Gore, executive assistant of college operations.

“The Coast Redwood gets most of its water from fog mist through the openings on the underside of the needles,” said Gore. “De Anza does not get enough fog to provide the water needs of the Coast Redwood.”

Gore said the tree’s remains will be used for projects and decor around De Anza.

“The Kirsch (ESA) will use some of the wood in the Cheeseman Arboretum and the art department,” said Gore.

Lianna Martinez

Gore said the wood will be used in woodshop classes and to line pathways.

The Coast Redwood was planted when De Anza first opened.

“The Coast Redwood was approximately 57 to 60 years old which means it was 4 to 6 years old when planted in 1967,” said Gore.

Gore said De Anza plants 30 trees per year, adding to a total of 300 trees planted during the past 10 years.


Grounds Supervisor Joe Cooke said one more redwood tree on De Anza’s campus will be cut down.

Instead of a full cut, grounds keepers have decided to turn the tree into a habitat tree housing the current residing Falcon and two Red-Tail hawks.

The tree is said to be completed and trimmed by this next fiscal year.