De Anza College budget committees discuss vision, extent of future cuts

Stephanie Lam, Staff Reporter

College Council approved the motion brought by IPBT to hire two new faculty members for the chemistry department
at the May 24 College Council meeting. The council also approved the motion to eliminate vacancy positions in
both the Japanese program and the library.

The APBT went over the tier three eliminations, which included one custodial position and one grounds position. A
senior cashier position that was vacant for a year was also eliminated. SSPBT announced that they are still working on making additional cuts but the finalized list will be presented at the next meeting. In addition to the $2.2 million dollars that was cut in the Tier one and two of the budget plan, SSPBT was also given a target of $1.2 million, for a total of $3.4
million in cuts.

SSPBT has only cut around $1 million, impacting six additional classified positions and four faculty positions.
In tier one and tier two, the $2.2 million cuts will result in 10.5 classified positions and eight faculty positions being

Those positions were already vacant or will soon be vacated due to retirement, but SSPBT announced that starting July 1, 2019 it will look to
cut positions that are currently occupied. “All the positions we are now looking at with these addition
cuts we identify are all positions that are currently filled. We’re looking at a very significant impact on student services.” said Mallory Newell.

Mallory Newell presented the Student Success Scorecard, which analyzed student cohorts from
2012 – 2016. It found that a majority of students were completing either transfer level MATH 60 or ENG 60. Few
were completing both at the same time. Currently enrolled students who did not pass their English
or math transfer-level courses struggled the greatest with EWRT 1A, 211, and MATH 10, 114 and 141
based on non-passing grades.

“They all are opportunities, those students who are still currently enrolled. We have some strategies about how we can reach out to them.” Newell said, “Those students have only been here for three years and you can see as the rate goes up we are capturing more students’ completion, but time is of the essence as they start to fall off drastically.”

The council also reviewed De Anza’s potential first-ever vision statement. As of the meeting the statement says that De Anza’s vision is to, “empower all students to attain their education goal, develop an equity-based mindset, and become civic leaders in their communities.”

College Council meets on the second and fourth of the month at 3 p.m. –  5 p.m. in the Administration building.