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La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Candidates for college president campaign on campus

Candidates for college president campaign on campus

Acey Nickel, La Voz Staff | November 27, 2024

The four finalists of De Anza College’s presidential search held a series of open forums from Nov. 12 through Nov. 15, sharing their expertise and plans for the college. The candidates are Sobia...

‘Laser Prince’ light show: captivating as ever

Allan Galeana, La Voz Staff | November 22, 2024

The Fujitsu Planetarium at De Anza College held ‘Laser Prince’ — a laser light show with music from Prince’s discography — from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Nov. 5. Run by planetarium staff, the event...

Daniel Flores, 18, an economics major and PUSO officer, hands shaved ice to an attendee for their halo halo in Conference Rooms A and B on Oct. 22.

Pilipino Unity Student Organization celebrates Filipinx American History Month with Halo-Halo Mixer

Brooklyn Coyle, La Voz Staff | November 7, 2024

Pilipino Unity Student Organization’s Halo Halo Mixer was the third of four events honoring Filipinx American History Month in October. The event was held on Oct. 22 in conference rooms A and B at the...

Pride Center, Artistic Expression Village host Queer Movie Night

Pride Center, Artistic Expression Village host Queer Movie Night

Brooklyn Coyle, La Voz Staff | November 4, 2024

Listen to the article: Around 30 people, most dressed in Halloween costumes, gathered in the Language and Communication Village center at room L47 to eat snacks and watch “The Rocky Horror Picture...

Mathematics Instructor Doli Bambhania dances with fellow staff and students on in the main quad on Oct. 23 during the Diwali festival.

Bollywood beats, festive feasts: Diwali lights the way

Atharva Salkar, La Voz Staff | November 2, 2024

Spectators watched as the South Asian student performers delivered routines to choreographed songs such as “Bole Chudiyan” and “Dilliwali Girlfriend.” Garlands, lanterns, rangolis and information...

College Counselor Emily Stanton displays her booth promoting the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo transfer program .

Transfer Day paves paths for puzzled students

Richard Yuan and Carolyn Zhao | October 28, 2024

The Main Quad drummed with the footsteps of students awaiting their turn to talk with college counselors for Transfer Day on Oct. 17, where over 85 representatives from various colleges tabled. Represented...

DASG Finance Committee Advisor Dennis Shannakian answers a prospective intern's question in the Student Council Chambers on Monday Oct. 14.

DASG finance committee approves first special budget request of the year

Xitlaly Martinez, La Voz Staff | October 17, 2024

All five voting members on the De Anza Student Government Finance Committee voted in favor of funding DA Developers Hackathon to host De Anza Hacks 3.0 with an extra $2,000 on Monday, Oct. 14 in the Student...

(From right to left) Foothill-De Anza Police Sergeant Shane Lueddeke, Chief Daniel Acosta and Steve Tuttle, a Distinguished TASER Fellow and former Vice President of Strategic Communications at Axon Enterprises address the group of students and community members with Community Relations Officer Joy Garcia in the back at the Media and Learning Center in room MLC 105 on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

Students, public express concern over Tasers at community forum

Ingrid Lu and Ann Penalosa | September 27, 2024

Editor's note: An earlier version of this article removed a quote from Foothill-De Anza District Police Chief Daniel Acosta for brevity. The quote has since been added to clarify that DASG Umoja Liaison...

From left, Christopher Deming, faculty advisor, Fenan Feno, 19, biology major, Chetnaa Prasad, 19, biology major and Chemistry Fusion Society officers in the Physical Sciences and Technology Village after their first meeting on June 13.

Chemistry Fusion Society aims to unite students with an interest in the subject in a college facing staffing issues

Xitlaly Martinez, La Voz Staff | June 28, 2024

The Chemistry Fusion Society is the first of its kind since the disbandment of the Chemistry Club in the Winter Quarter of 2019. The new club instituted by Inter Club Council in Spring held their first...

Temporary fencing wraps around the Flint Center building on May 22.

Measure G task force starting from scratch

Ingrid Lu, La Voz Staff | June 28, 2024

Following the partial reallocation of Measure G’s budget to a Foothill College dental clinic, the Measure G task force has been in limbo. As student task force members graduate and the committee reshuffles...

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