Dear La Voz,
This week during the Budget Conference Committee in Sacramento, Assembly Bill (AB) 955 was passed through its first committee hearing.
AB 955 would allow for community colleges to charge all students the full price of tuition, which is $144 per unit during summer session.
Let’s say you take a 4 unit summer class, which will cost $124; if AB 955 passes that same 4 unit class will cost you $576. Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters would still cost the same, but the fact remains that in the summer the cost of your classes could potentially quadruple if AB-955 passes the senate.
This is why community college students from across the state went to Sacramento Tuesday and Wednesday to lobby and speak during the committee hearing.
From De Anza, former Student Trustee Emily Kinner, Student Trustee Anita Adams, DASB President Stacie Rowe, as well as several other De Anza student leaders, worked with other organizations and students to oppose AB 955.
It was simply too important not to speak up and to ensure the voice of students be heard.
Even students who don’t attend summer session would be affected by the potentiality of this type of bill.
AB 955 would allow for two tiered education which takes advantage of low income students.
This won’t be the only bill that infringes on accessibility of education.
We, as students, need to know what’s going on in Sacramento because it can affect our future and we need to protect our future by speaking up for ourselves.
We need the help of our student government and student leaders to encourage students to get involved by spreading the word about harmful bills like AB-955 and other similar bills in the future.
I urge every student to know what’s going on and to know that their voice matters.
Rachel Baltazar, intern and student coordinator for the Institute for Community & Civic Engagement at De Anza