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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Source: Pixabay

Students debate whether to return to campus in fall quarter

Benjamin Brooker, Reporter | June 27, 2021
As De Anza College continues to reopen, fall quarter classes will repopulate on campus — but many students prefer them online.
De Anza students and faculty adjust to art classes online

De Anza students and faculty adjust to art classes online

Mathew Bejarano, Reporter | February 4, 2021
As students head into their third online quarter, art students and professors discuss the difficulties and advantages of the virtual environment.
Art loses out in transition to online courses

Art loses out in transition to online courses

Travis Wynn, Photojournalist | May 14, 2020

De Anza's art classes are not worth the price of tuition in an online format. Students in online art classes are still paying the same amount for their classes but not receiving the same opportunities...

Pandemic leaves international student community with worries over status, finances

Anthony Lucido, Staff Reporter | March 27, 2020

With the spread of COVID-19 and De Anza College’s closure and move to online classes, international students are concerned about their status in the U.S. In an email sent from the district, international...

Face-to-face classes move online starting Monday

Annalise Freimarck, News Editor | March 11, 2020

De Anza College faculty were sent an email today at 4:39 p.m. from Chancellor Judy Miner, informing them that classes will move online beginning Monday, March 16 due to advice about COVID-19 from the California...

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