Apple Airtag threatens privacy

Benson Sok-Moek

As a responsible and engaged student, I believe it is crucial to bring attention to the risks and challenges associated with AirTag technology.

My primary concern revolves around privacy issues. While AirTags are designed to assist in tracking personal items, their use of Bluetooth technology raises valid privacy concerns. There is a possibility that AirTags could be misused to track individuals without their consent, thereby compromising their privacy rights.

Another significant concern relates to the potential for stalking or harassment. Due to the small size and long battery life of AirTags, there exists a real risk of individuals exploiting them for malicious purposes. This could include tracking someone without their knowledge, leading to potential incidents of stalking or harassment.

The ease with which AirTags can be attached to items means that individuals could intentionally or unintentionally place an AirTag on another’s property. This invasion of privacy raises serious ethical issues and calls for careful consideration.

While Apple has implemented safety measures in AirTags, such as notifying users when an unknown AirTag is in their vicinity, there are still concerns regarding its effectiveness. Features including alerts about updated security on AirTags and “precision finding” to help unwanted tracking, but this still poses risks to people with visual impairments or disabilities.

I urge people to take these concerns into account and evaluate the potential dangers associated with Apple AirTag. While I appreciate the efforts Apple has made to address some of these issues, one must remain alert and continue exploring ways to mitigate risks and protect user privacy.


Benson Sok-Moek, a guest writer, is a De Anza student majoring in business administration.