Summer sessions used to be a way for students to speed up the path to a degree or transfer to a university. But now it’s getting harder to fulfill the requirements students need to be eligible for transfer, as some colleges have cut out their summer programs altogether due to lack of funding.
Thanks to Proposition 30, public schools and community colleges now have more funding to provide more summer courses for students.
The California Community Colleges Chancellors Office surveyed the 112 California community colleges, asking whether or not the schools would offer more summer classes to students than in previous years.
De Anza College reported it will increase the number of summer courses offered this year by 4 percent. Foothill reported a 3-percent increase.
Only 23 percent of California community colleges will not offer additional courses this year, while an additional 10 percent stated they would have to decrease the number of classes available to students.
Community college summer programs have taken the biggest blow with some colleges eliminating their programs altogether, according to The LA Times. The summer of 2012 had the lowest number of courses offered in a decade.