Office workers with neck and shoulder pain can enroll in a study that will test treatment methods this quarter.
The study, led by Dr. Jeff Forman of De Anza College’s massage therapy program, will compare three treatments to no intervention.
One third of the participants will follow an exercise program with an instructional DVD developed by Forman, resistance bands and cold therapy similar to icing an injury.
A second group will meet with massage therapy student interns once a week for active muscle therapy, which is a combination of stretching, muscle resistance exercises and massage developed by Forman.
The third group will act as a control for the first four weeks, and then receive both exercise and advanced muscle therapy.
“Our goal is to lower their pain, and to find out how well the (advanced muscle therapy) works for the neck and shoulder area,” said Glenn Martinson, Forman’s research assistant and graduate of the massage therapy program.
More than 40 people scheduled appointments since the study began April 8.
Appointments are available Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.