De Anza College’s Transfer Center held its annual Transfer Day on Oct. 28 in the Main Quad, inviting representatives from California State Universities, University of California and other independent colleges/universities to help students with the transfer process.
Nearly 50 colleges and universities tabled at the annual Transfer Day, hoping to help students through their transfer applications and answer general questions.
“Our goal is to let students understand the process of transferring,” Santa Clara University representative Maricela Gomez said. “The best advice is for them to not be scared about the process and build relationships with the counselors here.”
Each college and university had something to offer. The University of Nevada, Reno offers an $11,000 discount off of tuition for Californian transfer students who meet their requirements.
“We have general information, but I have information about clubs and organizations, campus visits and tours, study abroad, sports, academics and our tuition program,” said UNR representative Stephani Foust Price, UNR’s Admissions and Recruitment coordinator.
Transfer Day helped dozens of students by giving them the necessary information for different majors and areas of interests along with fliers, booklets and free pens.
“I think it is [helpful] for some people, [but] for me it’s not that helpful,” environmental studies major Brian Livingston said. “I’ve done most of my own research and I know from a lot of other people that have transferred, but if you’re trying to get started and you don’t know what you’re doing, I think
it’s really helpful.”
According to some students, Transfer Day was not advertised well, something they would like to see changed for next year.
“I don’t know if they advertised it, but I didn’t hear about it, I just happened to walk by them today and I saw it,” said Livingston. “Maybe like a mass e-mail or something to everybody. They bugged us with other e-mails that that weren’t really useful so I think that would be better.”
De Anza’s annual transfer rate is around 1,800 students per year, according to the De Anza Transfer Center Fast Facts.