The educational future for 4-year-old Andres Alvarado is a bitbrighter thanks to the dedicationof a handful of De Anza Collegeinstructors.
His mother, Judi Jones, passedaway on Feb. 26 after a lengthybattle with cancer. An educationalfund has been set up for Andresby some of his father’s De Anzacolleagues.
Both Jones and her partner,Walter Alvarado, are part of thedistrict family.
Jones, a former staff member,was the recipient of the classifiedemployee of the month awardin January 2003 for her work inthe Center for Applied CompetitiveTechnologies on the district’snow defunct Sunnyvale campus.
Alvarado, a longtime De Anzaemployee, works in the LanguageArts Lab in the Advanced TechnologyCenter and as the productionmanager for the campus’sstudent run newspaper La Voz.
Donations to the educationalfund can be made by check or online.Checks should be made outto The Andres Alvarado Fund andleft in the Cross Cultural Partnersmailbox in the Language ArtsDivision office, or in M. (Piper)McNulty’s mailbox in the AdministrationBuilding mailroomor in the Intercultural/InternationalStudies Division office.