De Anza College students arrivingfor class on Feb. 21 weregreeted by a small, silent but colorfuldemonstration against thevisit of Ton-Nu-Thi Ninh, Ambassadorfor the National Assemblyof Vietnam.
The small group of Vietnamese-Americans came from all areasof the Bay Area to hold anticommunistsigns and talk withcurious students as they walkedpassed the multicultural studiesclassroom.
“We want to wake up the students,”said Tom Nugyen. “Studentsdon’t accept what they’redoing in Vietnam.”
Nugyen helped organize thegroup of approximately 20 communitymembers from sevenVietnamese community, religiousand political organizations.
“We don’t want communistscoming here telling lies,” saidPatrick Phu Le. “They oppress outpeople and we don’t want themcoming her saying they don’t.”
The silent, almost tranquilscene of protesters abruptlychanged as Ninh exited the classroomand was escorted to a waitingcar by college administratorsand district police who were usedto hold back the now vocal andcharging mob.
“V.C. out now!” they shoutedas Ninh’s car drove away.
Asif Ahmed contributed to this article