Yellow construction tape is acommon sight around the campusof De Anza College, but studentsare about to see more of it in thenext few months according toJeanine Hawk, Vice President ofFinance and College Services.
Students, administrators andinstructors who crowded into admin-109 on Feb. 21 listened toupdates from Hawk about the statusof construction projects.
On going projects nearingcompletion included an update onMeasure E, including completionof work on the planetarium.
“Most of our equipment isclose to 40 years old,” said KarlVon Ahnen, planetarium specialist.”(The updates) are going tomake it much more precise.”
When reopened the planetariumwill sport an brand new domeand projection system.
The most exciting update willbe the All Sky System, said VonAhnen. This system allows forvideo projection on the entiredome, making astronomy moreinspiring to students and communitymembers.
Though it is slated for a grandopening in the fall, students willbegin attending classes in theplanetarium as early as April.With the victory on Dec. 4,2006 of the lawsuit filed by AaronKatz and Melvin Emeri, Measure-C projects are back on track.
In the final planning stages is aperforming arts center which willbegin construction in June.
Space is at a premium on thecampus and De Anza faces thepossibility of running out if projectsare further delayed.
“Based on current growth projections,De Anza will be short by10,000 square feet by 2010,” saidHawk.
To help facilitate the expansionrenovations to the multiculturalcenter, a new mediated learningcenter and public transportationdepot are also planned.