De Anza Senator Resigns, Two Join
Last Wednesday, one senator resigned from the student senate and two senators joined.
Thai-Ry Chang Urena resigned due to schedule conflicts, according to Glenn Ho, the vice president of student rights on the student senate. Andy Lau and Shrey Prasad were approved to become senators. There are still three openings on the student senate.
Senate Approves $11,428 for Programs
The student senate approved $4,000 for the installation of a new putting green and $7,428 for the new Math and Science Tutoring Center (see front page article.)
The new putting green will replace one that was "crinkled and permanently damaged" due to construction, said Debi Schafer-Braun, a PE instructor. "The carpet is all buckled, making it very difficult to practice or to learn."
The money for the Math and Science Center will cover the cost of unexpected budget cuts and group tutors.
The senate also approved, on first vote, $4,100 for counseling, $3,000 for three speakers for the administration of justice classes, and $2,800 for a server for the student senate.
All first-vote budget items must pass a second vote before going into effect. The second vote will be held at Wednesday’s meeting, which will take place at 3:30 p.m. downstairs in the Hinson Campus Center.
This article appears in the Feb. 6, 2006 print edition of La Voz.