De Anza College groups will receive more than $24,000 after the De Anza Associated Student Body Senate approved urgent funding last Wednesday for new projectors, computers, cable locks and one wet Dean.
The funding comes four weeks from the end of the fiscal year as the senate is trying to empty its coffers.
The funding requests will be deducted from two allocation accounts that are budgeted each year.
The Winter/Spring allocation account is used for programs on a senate approval basis. The Capital Project Allocations is used to fund purchases of equipment and supplies.
The Senate approved $24,464 of the $28,332 total requested.
$6,595 for two projectors to the Language Arts Student Success Center
The first installment of the new Language Arts Student Success Center will go live with two projectors after the Senate approved the distribution of funds for their purchase. The LASSC is a project two years in the making and will open in the Fall Quarter.
“The faculty will work very hard to provide better writing support for students.” John Swensson, dean of language arts said. “The writing support will go across the curriculum.”
The LASCC received the full amount of $6,595 for a portable and stationary projection system.
During the meeting Swensson agreed to Senator’s Thai Ry Chang Urena stipulation that he participate in the Spring Carnival’s dunk tank.
“It was outright bribery and blackmail conducted by the student government,” Swensson charged jovially after the meeting. “But I’m thrilled to participate in it.”
The stipulation was not included in the official vote.
The carnival is a joint project between the DASB and Inter Club Council and will be held May 19 in the Main Quad.
$5,762 for laptops to Outreach & Orientation Program
The Outreach & Orientation Program received $5,113 from the Capital Allocation fund to purchase three Dell Laptop computers.
The original request of $5,762 was trimmed down after the senate finance committed voted to not fund a replacement for a defective copier.
The program plans to use the laptops as to access the college’s Web site.
The program visits high schools and helps interested students register for classes at De Anza.
The impact from the new systems won’t be felt until next Fall, but Program Coordinator Rob Meiso credits DASB as a crucial element in reaching potential students.
“The DASB has really helped us do our job effectively in terms of outreach,” Mieso said. “We could not do what we’ve done this year, especially with the drop in enrollment.”
As part of the funding the program was granted access to the copier in the Student Activities office.
$5,668 for computer purchase to the cashiers office
The cashier’s office received $5,668 from the Capital budget for four computer systems to upgrade aging equipment, some of which are 10 years old..
Occasional computer failures and inadequate performance increase the already long lines and hinder the office’s ability to process student’s payments, said Interim Director of Budget and Personnel Rhoda Wang in the senate meeting.
The new systems will be in installed in time for the end of quarter rush in June, which Wang said is important.
“The beginning and end of the quarters are really bad for us,” Wang said in a phone interview. “The new computers will help the students.”
Before approval, the senate offered to donate computers from the DASB office and added a stipulation that the money will only be transferred if Educational Technology Services is unable to support the non-district standard systems.
The ETS department provides computer support for De Anza and Foothill College.
$3,200 for HD recorder to the Film/TV department
The Film/TV department received $3,200 to help offset the cost of equipment upgrades for De Anza’s film and television studio.
The department recently began the process of upgrading by purchasing High Definition video equipment and plans to use the allocation to purchase a High Definition video recorder.
$2,083 for Calculators to the Math Performance Success Program
The Math Performance Success Program received $2,083 to purchase 10 Ti-83+ calculators and textbooks.
MPS will use the new equipment to assist students that have difficulty passing math classes.
The new calculators will replace outdated Ti-86’s. The old equipment will be donated equally between the library and the tutorial center for student use.
The Senate finance committee rejected the MPS program’s request for $500 to fund food at their annual recognition ceremony.
$1,405 for event funding to the African Ancestry Faculty, Student and Staff Association
African Ancestry Faculty, Student and Staff Association was granted only $1,000 of $3,820 it requested for a reception to honor graduating students with African ancestry. In a separate proposal, the group received $405 to host “Conversations across the Diaspora.” a one-day event to be held in the fall quarter. According to the proposal, the goal of the event is to encourage African Ancestry students to participate in campus clubs and student government.
$400 for miscellaneous computer equipment to senate technology committee
The DASB Senate Technology Committee received $400 to purchase miscellaneous computer equipment including cable locks and power strips.
The allocated amount was $100 more than the proposal of $300 and will finalize on going computer upgrades.