With three Dons players ejected on infraction calls, the Donssoccer team faced an uphill battle against visiting the FoothillCollege Owls last Tuesday.
A 2-1 loss moves the Dons to a 5-3-3 record overall.
The scoring got off to a quick, when at 1:20 into the first half,the Owls drew first blood and found the back of the Dons’ net.
The Dons’ sluggish start proved costly.
“Our guys seemed to have a problem coming out and being alert andawake in the first ten minutes of the game,” said Assistant CoachJeff Panos.
“We had a defensive mark that wasn’t there, a guy was wide open inthe middle of the field and slotted a ball home.”
A few minutes later, Dons sophomore Miguel Villa received a warningfor playing aggresively.
Villa, known for his physical play, was ejected at 10:50 remainingin the first. The Dons were forced to play short-handed for theremainder of the game.
Villa left the field frustrated after what he felt was anundeserved call.
“It gets physical out there. It’s college soccer,” Villa said “Hebasically gave me two soft calls, and unfortunately I got a redcard.”
Villa’s ejection proved costly to the Dons’ middle line.
“He (Villa) is our playmaker in the middle of the field,” saidPanos. ” He is a physical presence. He’s able to win balls thatcome in the back.”
The Dons managed to hold the Owls to a point until less than twominutes in the first when the Owls struck down again.
The physical play escalated in the second half, as the game paceheated up.
Despite increased pressure, the Dons’ defense managed to make somekey saves and kept the Owls at bay and off the board for theremainder of the game.
In the latter part of the second half, calls by the officialsincreasingly hindered the Dons.
“The officiating was questionable at best,” said Panos.
Midfielder Ernest Bueno walks away from the official ashe gets chased down with a red card ejection for crashing into theOwls’ goalkeeper. |
Head Coach Colin Lindores said that the officiating was not themain reason for the loss.
The team’s failure to generate offense and put shots on goal waskey to the Dons’ loss he said.
With under three minutes remaining in the game, freshman ErnestoBueno became the second Don to get ejected when he charged after ahigh ball and crashed down on the Owls goalkeeper.
Bueno, who normally plays midfield, was trying out the front lineand wasn’t used to it.
The Dons’ only goal came from a penalty kick at 16:59 left in thesecond period by freshman Angel Vidro.
Vidro kicked a hard shot to the left post, sneaking by the Owls’goaltender.
Visibly sluggish, the Dons were unable to score during regulationtime.
“When it’s 11 on 8 at the end of the game, there’s not a whole lotwe can do offensively,” Panos explained.
Danny Martinez got an immediate ejection with one minute left inthe game for foul language.
The Dons will host the Rams of Gavilan College on Tuesday at 4p.m.