De Anza College offers students a payment plan that spreads out tuition fees, including parking, on monthly installments throughout the academic quarter or year.
The payment plan is interest-free and available to all students, including part-time, non-resident and international students.
“For the cost of a pizza a week, you can go to college,” said Dennis Borelli, cashiering services supervisor.
Indeed, the payment plan helps students anticipate how much money has to be put aside each month for tuition and breaks tuition up into manageable chunks.
Students enrolling in the plan make an approximate estimation of their quarterly or annual tuition fees and divide them by the number of months they want to participate in the payment program.
They can then choose between an annual and a three-month payment plan.
The annual plan spreads over nine months, with the first payment due by January 10.
The three-month plans apply to the Fall, Winter and Spring quarter individually.
For the Fall quarter, the first payment is due by October 10, for the Winter quarter, the first payment is due by January 10, and for the Spring quarter, the first payment is due by April 10.
The payment plan is also available for the Summer quarter.
The monthly payments are made to Academic Management Services, the agency that administers payments for De Anza College.
Enrollment in the payment program is $50 for the annual plan and $25 for the quarterly plan.
Once the enrollment payment is made, AMS takes care of the rest.
It forwards the payments to De Anza College and sends monthly statements serving as payment reminders and a fast and easy way for students to track their education expenses.
De Anza students who don’t pay their fees on time have their account put on a “balance due hold” by the cashier’s office.
This means they can no longer register for classes, add or drop classes or obtain grades until all tuition debts at De Anza College are paid.
Borelli recommends the payment plan options to all students, even to California residents with low tuition expenses, as an efficient way to “stay in good graces” with the college.
“You don’t have to worry about interruptions of services,” Borelli says.
According to Borelli, not many students know about the payment options at De Anza College.
He regrets this fact, since signing up for a plan is “a convenient, painless and worry-free way to pay for college.”
It also teaches students to budget their expenses, according to Borelli.
Students interested in the payment plan options can e-mail Dennis Borelli at [email protected] or call 408-864-5308 for further details and assistance.