In last week’s DASB Senate meeting, senators defeated a motion to annul Huong Nguyen as the new VP of Marketing and Communications by a hair-thin majority of nine to eight votes. Stephanie Lagos, outgoing DASB president, cast the deciding vote
Within less than two days, outgoing Executive Vice Pre-sident Barrington Dyer and VP of Finance elect Brett Jensen initiated a request to challenge the Senate’s decision.
The Senate will hold an “emergency meeting” today at 3:30 p.m. in the Student Council Chambers to consider Nguyen’s post-electoral removal as a candidate.
Nguyen said she had verbally renounced her candidacy at the Election Committee grievance meeting on Thursday, June 7, but later reconsidered her decision. Nguyen said she was under the impression that her withdrawal was invalid, as it had never been officially submitted in writing. Nguyen added that she was unaware of any implied consequences, especially since no one approached her after the grievance meeting.
“Some senators and an Election Com-mittee member even congratulated me on winning.”
Dyer said he believed Ngu-yen rescinded her decision after the election results had come out. However, he admitted his accusation was based on his assumptions rather than facts.
According to Dyer, the decision to challenge the Senate’s decision ultimately “defaults to accountability.”
Jensen said his main concerns were to assure the bylaws would be followed.
“If we broke laws, then the whole discussion on it was illegal,” he said.
Nguyen said she will defend her candidacy.
“I fought so hard for it [the election] … I’m not going to give up.”
Some senators expressed their concerns about the legitimacy of Nguyen’s candidacy, which annoyed part of the attending public.
Student and former DASB president Sharla Stevens, expressed her disapproval on how the item was handled.
“Why can’t we end on a good note? Can we just chill?”
The discussion also angered Chad Makaio Zichterman, another student present at the meeting, who asked the Senate to “cut the crap.”
At the beginning of the meeting, the Senate had removed an item, regarding the potential removal of outgoing VP of Technology Christopher Do-mingo, from the agenda. The item regarding the removal of Geraldine Garcia, outgoing VP of Finance, was also deleted from the agenda.