Red Wheelbarrow, formerly known as “Bottomfish,” is the literary magazine of De Anza College, which publishes both a national and student edition.
“Certainly any student interested in writing would like to see their work published,” says Assistant Fiction Editor, Audón Maldonado.
The national edition will be out later this spring.
The student edition is accepting submissions now from De Anza and Foothill students. All work is evaluated anonymously by the students and advisor of De Anza’s Literary Magazine class, EWRT 65. “We have a low amount of submissions and as a result we’re appealing to the students,” says Maldonado.
Unfortunately, the appeal has not yielded the expected volume of submissions.
“We are considering extending the deadline because we have not gotten enough submissions,” Maldonado said, “This would be the most opportune time for any aspiring writer or photographer to get their work in publication.”
Students can drop off submissions in the metal drop box in front of L-41.