The annual conference for the Journalism Association of Community Colleges was held at the California State University at Fresno campus on April 14 – 15.
Over 50 colleges and 500 journalism students from all over California came together for workshops, networking and competitions.
Competitions are split into three major categories: mail-in, bring-in and on-the-spot. Mail-in entries are articles, photos, graphics and student created advertisements that were sent in by the student publication from the previous year.
Bring-in entries are generally photography or feature articles written before the conference on the student’s campus and brought-in for judging.
On-the-spot competitions are exactly that: article and photographs created at the conference for competition.
Students are given assignments and are often treated to mock news events for coverage. Then participants have approximately an hour in order to write their pieces.
La Voz staff won three mail-in awards that went to Nelson Ching who placed fourth in Sports News Photo, Anthony Choice who received an Honorable Mention for Informational Graphic, and Dean Carrico who also received an Honorable Mention in the Critical Review category.
Chris Pommier, current Editor-in-chief, placed third for on-the-spot Headline Writing.
Workshops at the conference covered a wide range of topics from issues of diversity in the newsroom to proper interviewing techniques.