DA Voices: How have you been affected by the drastic weather?
January 20, 2023
“DA Voices” is a recurring feature used to spotlight De Anza College’s diverse community voices. We ask the same question of different people and arrange their quotes so that readers can see varying points of view. This week, our reporter Autumn Alvarez asked, “How have you been affected by the drastic weather?”
Quotes have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.

Zimmy Sun, 22, undecided major, said the current weather has made public transportation difficult.
“It’s really hard for me because I don’t have a car so I have to take the bus,” Sun said. “With the streets flooding, walking and transportation systems have caused me to come to class wet and uncomfortable.”

Ethan Guansin, 24, music major, said the large amount of rain is causing flooding on roadways on the way to school.
“The water doesn’t drain well and on Monday morning, it came up on the sidewalk almost to the level of my car,” Guansin said. “When coming to school on the first day of classes, my normal drive onto the highway was flooded so I had to go through the backroads where the water was still high. It hasn’t made me late to class but it caused my professor who lives in Santa Cruz to cancel class.”

Zoe Calfee, 21, biology major, said though she hasn’t been too affected by the weather, it has altered her schedule.
“It makes driving to school difficult because I live in Willow Glen, which is about a 30-minute drive depending on weather and traffic,” Calfee said. “Since highways have been flooding and Californians don’t know how to drive in the rain, I have been taking back roads to school. Luckily, I haven’t been late to class since I leave early. It just means that I am more tired at the end of the day because I wake up earlier.”

Luke Palmbush, 19, film and TV production major, said he recommends coming up with a travel plan for the rainy weather.
“There is more thought when planning on how to get to your destination,” Palmbush said. “It can sometimes be harder to drive in the rain because there is more traffic and accidents. It’s best to be aware, drive slower and make a plan beforehand.”

Emil Shen, 18, biology major, said that he gets caught in the rain when walking to school.
“I walk to school, which is sometimes hard, but I use an umbrella,” Shen said. “It is about a 10-minute walk and I usually have to leave five minutes earlier to be on time for class.”