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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Don’t fear the fee increases

May 22, 2010

The verdict is in: We're hooked on instant gratification, and if someone else is to receive the bang for our proverbial buck, we'd rather not spend at all. Getting the average De Anza College student...

De Anza Softball regains stride

Jaime Simpson | May 22, 2010

The De Anza women's softball team recently wrapped up another successful season. Coming off 2009 where they managed only six wins, this year's squad bounced back in a big way, finishing with an overall...

Only The Lonely

Sri Vangala | May 22, 2010

It's highly unlikely that the concept of loneliness will ever stray far from the whirlwind of emotions that we experience as we travel down the timeline of our respective lives. Our intermittent connection...

“The Bridge” finds a home

Michael Mannina | May 22, 2010

De Anza's canon of published instructors expands with the latest addition courtesy of Azin Arefi.Arefi, an English instructor, has a poem included in the Spring-Summer 2010 issue of "Blue Moon" Literary...

Airport scanners: privacy invader, protector

Zahra Younes | May 22, 2010

Seal the toothpaste and shampoo in zip-close bags, remove your laptop from its carrying case, take spare change out from your pockets, take off shoes and jacket, place your carry-on items in bins to be...

Sacramento rally

Michael Messick | May 22, 2010

On May 17 nearly 1000 people from across California gathered at the State Capitol building to commemorate the 14 annual Immigration Day. This year advocacy groups were formed to encourage State Senators...

I don’t want to be a boy anymore

Josh Davis | May 22, 2010

I don't want to be a boy anymore. Everyday I feel like I'm collapsing under the pressure. I can't deal with it anymore. Everyone seems so satisfied. I don't want to dress like I'm working out or playing...

Spring Job Fair

Saba Anees | May 22, 2010

On Thursday, May 3, the De Anza College Career Center held its bi-annual Job Fair in the Hinson Campus for students and community members alike to view everything from internships and entry-level positions...

Sketches draw criticism

Vanessa Contreras | May 22, 2010

De Anza College's Doubters, Agnostics, Myth busters and Non-theists club drew chalk illustrations of religious figures including Christ, Buddha, Confucius and a number of Hindu gods next to the administration...

Literary Contest in honor of De Anza instructor

Huiyi Jiang | May 22, 2010

Do you like spending time with Jane Austen? Do you put off your friends to hang out with Hemingway? Then earn some cash by entering an essay analyzing works of literature in the annual Carolyn Keen literature...

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