De Anza women’s volleyball wins 3-1 against Gavilan Rams

Jacqueleine Liu

Middle-blocker Molly Vainish spikes the ball past the Gavilan block in a 3-1 home win at De Anza College on Nov. 3.

Jacqueleine Liu, Reporter

The De Anza College Mountain Lions defeated Gavilan 3-1, winning the first two sets and the fourth set on Wednesday.

The Lions jumped out in the first set with a final score of 22-10. The team also breezed through the second set but struggled during a tense third set where Gavilan took the victory.

Outside hitter Adrianna Williams said that during the third set, the team anticipated an easy win and lost their energy. 

The De Anza Mountain Lions huddle together before the game begins. (Jacqueleine Liu)

“Our energy was really high during the sets that we won,” Williams said. “During the sets that we lost, we became very timid. We didn’t quite know when we should hit or swing. I think being aggressive the whole game is something we need to work on.” 

Entering the fourth set, De Anza regained their vigor and closed the set with a series of hits from Williams. She said some highlights of the game included the determined efforts of her teammates. 

“Frankie (Francesca Padilla), number six, dove across the courts to pick up the line shot. That was pretty awesome,” Williams said. “Molly’s (Molly Vainish) block off her head, that was also a major highlight. Our blocks tonight were pretty satisfactory.” 

Libero, Francesca Padilla, said that for the remaining games, she is going to focus on herself to improve.

“I’m going to make sure I have a lot of energy for my team and that we’re pulling each other up,” Padilla said. “Whenever I get the chance to be on the court, I need to be doing everything that I possibly can.”

De Anza plays at Monterey Peninsula on Friday at 6:30 p.m., followed by hosting San Francisco on Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m.