Defining our new normal

Photo provided by Pixabay

Ashonti Ford, Reporter

We have officially embarked upon the largest pandemic the United States has ever seen and for those of you who are avoiding the reality that this may be our new normal, please insert tequila shot here.

By now, you’d love a haircut, some nightlife, or at the very least the chance to crowd around the television and watch the playoffs with some crispy wings and a cold beverage.

However, COVID-19 has made all the basic things in life a luxury of the past and as far as jobs, the only thing working overtime is the virus.

On Wednesday, Gov. Gavin Newson announced that California will not be joining the 32 other states who’ve decided to reopen this week.

Some agree with his decision and others can be seen protesting in the streets with no mask on.

Hot August nights in Vegas, Memorial Day weekend in Miami, stumbling upon a $49 flight to Chicago on Frontier airlines – if any of those things made you cringe and or cry just a little, join the millions of other American’s who cannot stand the idea of being surrounded by people.

We will make it out of this virus, but things will never be the same.

Now, it’s time to decide if your glass is half full, half empty or just completely cracked.

Alas! A breaking point. We are learning to live on less, enjoy the simple things in life, be patient and appreciate our jobs (if we still have them).

So for those still asking if this is our new normal, maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. The bigger question is “what do you want it to be?.” If you don’t know yet, don’t worry – you have got some time to think about it.

Are couples that live together learning the thin line between love and hate? Yes. Are parents learning that maybe the teacher wasn’t the problem? Yes. Is all hope lost? No.

This is the home stretch and the good news is all you cool cats and kittens have the opportunity to make your new normal exactly what you want it to be.