Opinion: Judge Persky needs to be recalled

Graphic by Genevieve Kolar

John Bricker, Opinions Editor

Judge Aaron Persky should be recalled immediately because of lenient rulings in favor of men accused of assault.

In the 2011 civil case against De Anza College baseball players who had been accused and not convicted in a 2007 gang rape, Persky was criticized by the victim’s lawyers for allowing suggestive photos of her to be used as evidence, and not allowing other victims to testify.

In 2016, Persky was in the national spotlight for the case involving Brock Turner, an athlete at Stanford University, accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a party. Persky was criticized for sentencing Turner to only six months. Turner served three months and is now registered as a sex offender.

Persky has displayed a recurring pattern of favoring the accused in sexual offence cases, which is unacceptable.

The big question is who could replace Judge Persky.

After researching both candidates, Angela Storey and Cindy Hendrickson, I believe that Angela Storey, the San Jose representative, would make the best replacement.

According to The Mercury News, Storey is a rape victim herself. This gives her the perfect perspective and understanding in cases of such magnitude.

Judge Persky has made two unforgivable rulings, leaving victims to find a way to cope. He must be recalled.