ICC prepares for the next quarter
Clubs and Inter Club Council meeting took place as usual on Nov. 16 over Zoom to remind clubs of requirements and upcoming events for the coming Winter quarter, such as the use of the shared Club Room.
December 12, 2022
The Clubs and Inter Club Council meeting took place as usual on Nov. 16 over Zoom to remind clubs of requirements and upcoming events for the coming Winter quarter.
In this meeting, ICC officers and other clubs announced the final activities of this quarter. For the upcoming quarter, the ICC president reminded all clubs that attended to prepare quarterly reports, including financial rosters.
For the advisor announcement, ICC Chairman Khanh Ngo mentioned that to apply for meetings and events at a specific time and location, and said clubs should register for an appointment five working days in advance.
“If you have any questions, please email OCL and Maritza,” Ngo said.
Presenters Khanh Ngo and Maritza Arreola reminded clubs to turn in their financial rosters before the last meeting or as soon as possible in order to receive the full attendance award. Furthermore, if the new financial roster includes any changes to the club officers, it should be sent to the ICC.
“Club Day is on Thursday of the third week of the quarter, and hopefully the clubs are prepared,” Ngo said.
ICC Chair of Club Affairs Cedric Buenviaje and ICC Chair of Marketing Alena Yuan mentioned that if a club wants to display their posters on the glass panel, they should send them to the Office of College Life. If a club wishes to share their poster placement with other organizations, they may require a stamp of approval.
Presenters ICC Chair of Programs Ruchira Danavadi and ICC Vice Chair of Programs Arshiya Rahgozar mentioned in the club room update and cleanup message that clubs with lockers in the club room must come and clean up their belongings that have left the club room and lockers. If an inactive club is not reactivated, lockers will remain until the end of the quarter.
“We are finalizing the Student Orientation with student accounts. This is a required annual orientation for clubs and will be covered at a later meeting,”ICC Counselor Maritza Arreola said.
ICC representative meetings will reconvene online meetings on zoom every Wednesday from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.