Clubs reintroduce themselves during Club Day
Art Guild of De Anza officers stand at their table, showing their artwork to interested students in the Main Quad on Oct. 13.
November 10, 2022
To help students enrich their extracurricular life, make friends and develop their interests, De Anza College continued its quarterly Club Day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Main Quad on Oct. 13.
50 clubs participated in the event and presented at a table based on a first come, first serve policy. This was the second in-person club day at De Anza since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yingxin Miao, 19, communication major, is the communication officer of the Art Guild of De Anza, a club for students to learn and create art. Miao said that it was her first time to see so many students on campus.
“I feel alive because everything is back to campus,” Miao says. “Club day is a great chance for people to know more about clubs and their interests.”

Peter Pham, 20, animation major, is the secretary for the Art Guild of De Anza. He said that club day was a great opportunity for students to find their club.
Club Day is a way for the various kinds of clubs to advertise themselves to the student body. This way students can find groups that align with their interests, such as in academics, athletics, arts, and community service.
Data science major Felicia Susanto, 18, attended Club Day as part of the Music and Volunteering Association, a club that focuses on music performance events and voluntary activities.
“You do not have to know how to play instruments to join the club,” Susanto said. “We are open to anyone who likes music and is willing to do volunteer work. I joined one of the events last spring, and they were so welcoming, so I applied to be an officer.”
Clubs use Club Day as outreach to the student body in order to attract potential members to join their club. President of Red Cross Club Marwa Moustafa, 17, neurotology major, said that her club made business cards to hand out throughout the day.

“We want to make sure everybody has a chance to know our club, so we made the business card to reach more people,” Moustafa said. “Our past events included blood donations, emergency kit donation drive, homelessness and hunger awareness week, and so on.”
De Anza’s website has an updated club list that provides information about each club on campus, when they meet, their contacts and social media.
International student and art major Thuy Pham, 18, attended Club Day in order to learn about various clubs within their artistic interest.
“I heard about club day from my friends,” Pham said. “I found many interesting clubs today and I want to join the Art Club because it is related to my major. It is my first time meeting so many people on campus. It is a lively environment and people are so friendly.”