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La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

De Anza students march against Arizona Senate Bill 1070

Armando Luna and Armando Luna | May 4, 2010

The streets were crowded on May 1 as thousands of people marched in protest of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, an anti-illegal immigration law that gives police the right to arrest those who have no legal documentation....

Co-authors speak out about eating disorders

Zahra Younes | May 3, 2010

In middle school, Lisa Himmel was overweight. She turned to food as a refuge from the teasing she endured, but the teasing didn't go away. In high school, things changed. She was more athletic and started...

News To You: Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act

Aliyah Mohammed | May 3, 2010

The Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, which was signed into law March 30, provides legal citizens with a blanket of basic health care options and gives more financial support to students....


Huiyi Jiang | May 3, 2010

NEWS: CDC's New PlaygroundHuiyi Jiang(408) 568-4305word count: 514The Child Development Center (CDC) is planning on building a brand-new playground for its children. The construction is part of a larger...

Health Center provides accessible medical services

Nadia Banchik | May 2, 2010

For Mary Sullivan, Health Coordinator at De Anza College, the new health care bill's provision that children may stay on their parents' health care plans past the age of 24 is the most important reform....

Environmental Science department explores wildlife conservation methods

Nadia Banchik | May 2, 2010

A scenic landscape with wavy hills, green due to low, dense trees carpeted with wild flowers catches the eye in a documentary about the Coyote Valley, luring nature lovers to hike in the wilderness. A...

Mascot debate continues

Jonah S. Taylor | May 2, 2010

As the mascot debate flares up again, I would like to offer up some helpful insight for those on either side. This discussion is not new - students have been trying to do away with the Don for years. Just...

De Anza sports industry at Club Day

Derek Fenson | May 2, 2010

The energy is electric. The smells of freshly cut grass, and fresh-off-the-grill hotdogs fill the air. Crack! The ball is smashed to deep center, and the crowd explodes.Sports can excite us, intrigue us,...

Memorial park hosts cherry blossom festival

Rachel Schemel | May 2, 2010

The 27th annual Cherry Blossom Festival is a celebration held to honor Toyokawa, Japan, Cupertino's sister city. The festival was held at the Memorial park across from De Anza College and included vendors,...

M.E.Ch.A fights for rights

Ashley Rodriguez | May 2, 2010

With the determination of four core members, De Anza's M.E.Ch.A club has been brought back to life. M.E.Ch.A, translated " Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan," or Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan,...

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