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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

May Day celebrates workers at De Anza

KC Lazatin | May 14, 2010

The De Anza College club Students for Justice held a commemorative May Day event in the De Anza Main Quad on May 6. Guest speakers spoke on a variety of subjects, including the various injustices suffered...

Mental health services available

Boram Kim | May 14, 2010

De Anza College and the Counseling and Matriculation Division opened psychological services on May 7. Beverly Muse, a licensed mental health clinician, is available to assess students with complex mental...

Alumnus runs for office

Soheil Rezaee | May 14, 2010

Former student Jordan Eldridge was back at De Anza College May 5 to pass out petitions and register students to vote. This is one of many ways he has been involved in local politics since graduating from...

Student photography exhibit works against budget cuts

Rachel Schemel | May 14, 2010

Students are reacting in creative ways to budget cuts. Large budget cuts in the De Anza College photography department helped students form the idea of a formal De Anza photography exhibit. "We can't march,...

De Anza plans history center renovations

Armando Luna | May 14, 2010

The East Cottage next to the California History Center is back on the ground and in the process of rehabilitation after being elevated on stilts for two months. Once completed, the historic structure will...

Instructor speaks on Cinco de Mayo

Victor Arredondo | May 14, 2010

A crowd of over 50 De Anza students filled Hinson Campus Center Conference Room A on May 5. Surrounded by the Mexican flag, handmade colored ornaments, and burritos, Bill Ziegenhorn waited to educate students...

Carnival draws crowds

The De Anza College Inter Club Council and De Anza Associated Student Body Senate Diversity and Events committee organized the annual Spring Carnival last Thursday afternoon in the main quad, attracting...

Discovery channel films at planetarium

Vanessa Contreras | May 14, 2010

The Discovery Science channel filmed in the Fujitsu planetarium at De Anza College on April 29. The cable network filmed an interview segment with astronomer Seth Shostak, from the Palo Alto based non-profit...

Euphrat opens new exhibit

Armando Luna | May 14, 2010

The Euphrat Museum of Art is hosting the De Anza College Student Art Show through June 15. The students' works were judged by two jurors, Lucy Cain Sargeant and Imin Yeh, both of whom are deeply involved...

We write in peace

May 14, 2010

The self-fulfilling prophecy of "the media" as a conglomerate of glossy, tabloid-sized evils that exist to prey on our vulnerable young minds and twist our judgment, who mask their greedy, dollar-sign...

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