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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Naomi Fuhrmann, Staff Writer | January 23, 2015

My older brother is constantly negative, has a healthy distrust of authority and absolutely loves arguing about everything. We all know someone who holds those personality traits, yet we never consider...

"Cooler Than the Other Side of the Pillow"

“Cooler Than the Other Side of the Pillow”

Talina Rocha, Staff Writer | January 23, 2015

Stuart Scott changed the way many people viewed sports, making it fun to stay up late just to watch ESPN. His legacy inspired me to become a journalist and to one day touch many lives by creating my own...

Columbia U.’s shameful response to rape protest

Columbia U.’s shameful response to rape protest

Pati Shojaee, Staff Writer | November 17, 2014

After Emma Sulkowicz’s performance art piece spread throughout the country, anti-rape protests have made their way to colleges everywhere. She carried around her dorm room mattress everywhere she went...

Hungary’s 60 cents per gigabyte Internet tax excessive

Hungary’s 60 cents per gigabyte Internet tax excessive

Donovan Rios, Staff Writer | November 14, 2014

People all around the world use terabytes of data on a daily basis. In this modern age, most people in developed countries carry a cellphone with them at all times and most homes have a personal computer...

Weigh pros and cons of all colleges before deciding

Weigh pros and cons of all colleges before deciding

Adam Del Rio, Staff Writer | November 12, 2014

Application deadlines for many public and private schools are rapidly approaching, and students need to consider the pros and cons of public and private universities before committing to a school. Most...

Halloween: For Children's Eyes Only

Halloween: For Children’s Eyes Only

Steven Hall, Staff Writer | October 27, 2014

Those who celebrated Halloween as kids might remember it as a special holiday where you walk up to strangers’ houses and ask for candy. Some might remember plotting out routes to take to get the most...



Brenda Romero, Staff Writer | October 27, 2014

It’s that time of the year again, when people draw on the most controversial headlines of the year seeking inspiration for their new Halloween getup. It’s the only holiday that makes people laugh,...

DASB senate meeting, low attendence

Jay Serrano, news/opinions editor | March 20, 2014

The DASB Senate meeting on Wednesday March 5. Ran over the scheduled time resulting in almost half of the senate being absent by the end of the meeting. Twenty-four of the 28 senators were present at...

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