The Euphrat Museum hosted a reception featuring live music, catering and offering opportunities for attendees to mingle with the artists for its new exhibit, “Facing Home,” on Nov. 18.

Kristin Lindseth
Kristin Lindseth, the artist of a hand-built miniature town, said her art piece was inspired by the Santa Cruz fires in August 2020.

“August 2020, while the fires were burning down homes in the Santa Cruz Mountains…” Lindseth said, taking a deep breath, “I have friends who lost their homes. So I wanted to make a symbol. A symbol of a place to go, to feel comfortably at home, to feel welcomed and safe.”
Lindseth said that this is the message that she had wished and continues to wish to share with all who see and experience her art pieces.
Each structure took up to 3 months to complete, depending on the design and size. Lindseth said that she sometimes sketches out her thoughts first but also freehand builds in the moment.
“The importance of the intricate details in my pieces brings together the magic of the real-life setting,” Lindseth said.

Lydia Sanchez
Among the miniature town-sets is another featured artist, Lydia Sanchez, a former De Anza student, representing her quilted chihuahua memorial piece.

Sanchez uniquely mixes her love for animals and art, creating a powerful expression of emotional connection and remembrance. Her quilted animal memorial piece is a tribute to her chihuahua, Honey Bee, and serves as a testament to the eternal bond humans share with their animal companions. Sanchez’s craftsmanship not only captures the intricate small details of her beloved pet but also tells a message about the significance and importance of animals in our lives. By merging her passions and her love for animals with her artistic talent, Sanchez said she wanted to contribute to the broader message of the diverse ways people define and experience the concept of home.
Sanchez said her love of art and animals go hand-in-hand, but her love of crafting began early, at the age of about eight.
“I’m just really passionate about painting… and dogs. I just really love dogs. Sanchez said. “I ended up getting commissioned by a lot of people because their dogs were passing away or were about to pass, and so it ended up like, I started to make portraits for other dogs that were passing and then my own dog started to pass… So then I started to paint my own dogs.”

Throughout the visual and emotionally evocative experience, music filled the air, creating the perfect soundtrack that added to the enjoyable and pleasant atmosphere with its melodic, harmonious symphony that enriched the overall ambiance.
Eric Jarmie

Eric Jarmie, an experienced flamenco guitar player from New Mexico, put on a captivating performance for art attendees with his musical talent. Jarmie said that his roots in New Mexico have significantly shaped his musical journey, with the profound influence of Spanish culture, particularly in the northern regions of the state, leaving a memorable mark on his artistic expression.
He said that his music is a “mix of indigenous and Mexican cultures, heavily influenced by Spanish and indigenous traditions.”
Jarmie said that growing up surrounded by Spanish culture, he took a break from playing guitar during his teenage years but reconnected his love for guitar in his twenties.
Jarmie said that he returned to flamenco guitar because it symbolizes perseverance and the pursuit of his true passion.
His experiences, marked by periods of exploration and breaks, reflect the complexities of artistic growth and connect with the interplay between his personal journey and the cultural background that defines his musical identity.

In the artistic expressions collage showcased at the “Facing Home” reception, the works of all artists featured collectively paint a diverse and vibrant portrait of what ‘home’ means to individuals. Lindseth’s intricate woodcutting, Sanchez’s heartfelt quilted memorial and Jarmie’s soulful flamenco guitar all contributed to a tapestry of perspectives, representing the power of creative expression as a universal language.