Bernie Sanders best choice for students

Bhuvi Natarajan, Staff Reporter

I support Bernie Sanders because like him, I too believe that every citizen should have the right to vote, including convicts.

I cannot vote yet, as I am not a United States citizen but I continue to be a part of this growing grassroots movement as a volunteer, and so can you.

Being able to afford an education in the United States paid by one’s parents, spouse, siblings or self is a blessing and the reason why I could go back to college.

All of us need to be offered the opportunity to study tuition-free.

Students deserve the same education with access to free books and educational resources to excel in their choice of major without worrying about working part-time or full time jobs and student housing.

I support his Medicare For All bill which states that healthcare is a human right, his policy about cancelling student debt and providing free tuition for all community and state college students.  I support Sanders in this fight and stand with millions of students on this issue.

These policies can become a reality only if  Sanders is elected as the next president of the United States.

Sanders needs student volunteers across the nation to be a part of his movement, supporting his fight for their rights on free college education and making student loans debt free.

I volunteered with the Medicare For All team at the Women’s March in San Jose this year and it helped me understand how this bill will make healthcare accessible and affordable to everyone in the country.

This bill will provide health insurance to all Americans irrespective of their jobs without paying huge premiums for it. It will also reduce the cost of pharma drugs by half the price it is available today.

Sanders said he believes that students are the future of this country and have the power to transform it by exercising their right to vote, especially first time voters.

To help students understand Sanders and his policies better, his campaign team launched Bernie Summer School with initiatives like #MyBernieStory along with campus corps leader initiative, which I am currently a part of.

These initiatives helped me understand how students can organize on campus and volunteer to be part of their college campus corp groups to support and vote for Bernie in the 2020 primary.