“DA Voices” is a recurring feature used to spotlight De Anza College’s diverse community voices. We ask the same question of different people and arrange their quotes so that readers can see varying points of view. This week, our reporter Mackenzie Jardine asked, “DA Voices: What is your favorite horror movie for Halloween?”
Quotes have been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Sophie Xie, 17, data science major, said she doesn’t watch horror movies.

“I’m terrified of horror movies. I don’t watch them,” Xie said. “I’ve never watched one really.”
Janessa Broussard, 18, computer science major, said that “The Conjuring” is her childhood memory.

“I watched ‘The Conjuring’ with my dad when I was a kid,” Broussard said. “It’s like a childhood memory.”
Zoe Craig, 18, film and TV major, said she had one favorite Halloween movie and one favorite horror movie.

“I would say ‘Halloweentown’ (is my favorite Halloween movie). It’s very nostalgic. It’s like Disney. It’s fun,” Craig said. “Horror movie wise, I’ve got to go with ‘Midsommar’. It’s a masterpiece. Its’ cinematography, the angles, and the shots, it’s beautiful. It’s all in daylight, yet it’s a horror movie, and I really like that.”
Omar Eoatta, 18, economics major, said that they love everything about horror movies.

“‘Suicide Squad’ or ‘IT’ (would be my choice),” Eoatte said. “I just love horror in general, to be honest. I love the adrenaline, the jump scares, and everything.”
Gabriel De Leon, 17, applied mathematics major, said that his favorite movie “Hereditary” had some disturbing images, which he prefers over regular horror movies.

“A horror movie that I really enjoyed and that I watched with my family is ‘Hereditary’. (It’s) pretty disturbing,” Leon said. “It’s kind of different from other horror movies because it’s not reliant on jump scares to make you feel uneasy. It’s just sometimes there’s an image (in the movie) that is so disturbing it’s hard for you to look at, instead of just jump scare scenes (that you have) to look away.”
Ava Eng, 19, digital art and communications major, said her favorite way to start off fall is to watch “Over the Garden Wall”.

“I’ve gone through and watched all of the classic ones (horror films), but I enjoy watching ‘Over the Garden Wall’, which is a TV show by Cartoon Network, every October,” Eng said. “It’s a good way to start off fall.”
Lexie Castro, 21, biology major, said she prefers thriller movies to horror films with only jump scares.

“‘It Follows’ (would be my choice).” Castro said. “I hate those (horror movies that ‘jump up and scare you’ because if you’re not falling for it, it’s really boring. Most of it is suspense, but I like the ones that have tension, like a thriller.”