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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

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International Student Programs holds new student support circles

A bi-quarterly event of students from out-of-country gives an opportunity for connections and aid
Sabrina Kulieva
ISP Student Support Group held its meeting on June 17 on the second floor of the RSS building.

The International Student Programs Student Support Circle is a group for new international students in their first year at De Anza who would like to meet others and get some support during their first year.

It meets twice a quarter at the RSS 202, on the second floor of the Registration Student Services Building, and the latest event occurred on June 17.

Mia Zhang, 21, a data science major, shared her expectations of the student support circle.

“Even though I’ve been at De Anza for two years, there are many things I don’t know and I decided to be a part of the international student group,” Zhang said. “It is small for now, but people here are very kind and helpful, providing useful information about college services and answering questions as needed.”

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Kash Zhao, 19, biology major, said, “I am an international student and I am new here. ISP Student Support Circle allows me to feel included.”

Denica Kelly, ISP counselor at De Anza and one of the event organizers talked about the three main goals of the Student Support Circle.

“I can think of three main things we want to focus on: community building, sharing resources and learning more about opportunities at De Anza, and for staff to be more in touch with students,” Kelly said. “And remember — everyone is welcome here. Even if you are not an international student, you can come here and find community”

If you need more info, please email the group facilitator, Denica Kelly at [email protected].

This group is new so we would appreciate any referrals to the group of new ISP students.

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Sabrina Kulieva
Sabrina Kulieva, Freelance Reporter

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