La Voz headed to La Jolla in San Diego for the Associated Collegiate Press Spring National College Media Conference from March 7 to March 9 at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla.
The conference included three keynote speakers: Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins the Society of Professional Journalists President, Jerry Brewer of The Washington Post and Emmy Martin of The Daily Tar Heel, as well as many hourly break out sessions of a plethora of journalistic topics that students could attend.

ACP partnered with the Journalism Association of Community Colleges for on-the-spot contests that La Voz participated and won awards in. JACC also awarded La Voz for submitted work dating as far back as spring quarter 2023.
ACP and JACC also partnered with the California College Media Association for an awards banquet on March 9 where La Voz took home even more awards for last year’s work.
List of awards:
Associated Collegiate Press
- Best of Show Award: Newspaper/Newsmagazine, two-year campus — eighth place
Journalism Association of Community Colleges (23 awards)
- Pacesetter Award: Print Media
JACC Publication Awards
- Newspaper General Excellence: La Voz Staff
- Online General Excellence: La Voz Staff
- First Place, Podcast/Audio News: Justin Fry and Isabella (Bella) McClintock
- Second Place, Critical Review: Mackenzie Jardine
- Second Place, Video Soft News Reporting: Kritika Sharma
- Third Place, Column Writing: Katrina Bui
- Third Place, Environmental Portrait: Leila Salam
- Fourth Place, News Story: Leila Salam
- Fourth Place, Video Hard News Reporting: Nello Puelles
- Fourth Place, Illustration: Kyum Bee Kim
- Meritorious, Enterprise News Story/Series: Autumn Alvarez, Abel Tariku, Leila Salam, Ann Penalosa, Lauren Linh Bui
- Honorable Mention, Inside Page Layout: Ann Penalosa
- Honorable Mention, Inside Page Layout: Ann Penalosa
- Honorable Mention, Informational Graphic: Katrina Bui
- Honorable Mention, Photo Illustration: Sabrina Jiang
- Honorable Mention, Photo Story-Essay: Conner Blum
JACC On-the-Spot Awards
- First Place, Creative Portrait: Preena Patel
- Second Place, Copy Editing: Mackenzie Jardine
- Third Place, Team Feature: Mackenzie Jardine and Sabrina Kulieva
- Fourth Place, Editorial Cartoon: Vincent Scrivens
- Fourth Place, Creative Portrait: Lion Kim Park
- Honorable Mention, News Story: Vincent Scrivens
California College Media Association (13 awards)
- First Place, Social Justice Coverage: Lauren Linh Bui, Ann Penalosa, Nello Puelles, Leila Salam, Yumeno Matsuo
- First Place, Non-Breaking News Story: Nello Puelles, Yumeno Matsuo, Katrina Bui
- First Place, Newspaper Column: Katrina Bui
- First Place, Non-News Video: Kritika Sharma
- First Place, Social Media Reporting: Lauren Vu
- Second Place, Online Advertisement: Samara Williams and Lilah Schuck
- Second Place, Podcast: Justin Fry and Isabella (Bella) McClintock
- Second Place, Photo Series: Connor Blum
- Second Place, News Photograph: Nello Puelles
- Third Place, Print Advertisement: Aziza Saidova
- Third Place, Editorial Cartoon: Katrina Bui
- Third Place, Overall Newspaper Design: La Voz Editorial Board and Staff
- Third Place, Editorial: La Voz Editorial Board