Hungry much? Best places to eat around De Anza campus

If you are looking for a quick bite to eat or sit down meal before class starts, De Anza College sit near many great and accessible restaurants and spots near the campus.

Coffee, the bane of existence for many college students is just right down the street for those who need a pick me up before class. Torie Patsis, liberal arts major at De Anza said, “Philz Coffee is just right across the street from the college and they have really amazing coffee and tea, as well as fresh pastries daily.” According to Torie, “the atmosphere is extremely nice.”


Another great place to eat that’s breadfully delicious according to Mancaela McGarth, biology major is Panera Bread. “Panera Bread is my favorite because I love the Paninis and they’re always so fresh as well as healthy”. The atmosphere of the place was also an important choice for her. “Besides the delicious food I always enjoy going there because I also like to study at Panera Bread. It’s always really quiet and very relaxing”.

Another De Anza student prefers more of an exotic and fulfilling meal close to the campus. Angel Rafael Gonzalez , Liberal Arts and Chemistry major suggest Arya Persian restaurant. “All the food there is delicious but the beef kabob and saffron rice is the best. Have this dish once and you’re in heaven.” For the price there, it is well worth the money according to Gonzalez. The restaurant hails about a 10 minute ride from campus.