The disappointment of online graduation
I will be graduating in De Anza’s second virtual graduation, a depressing fact that discounts the work I’ve put in.
I was disappointed when the college announced this. Due to the pandemic, I not only missed my college experience for my first two years, but now I won’t even be able to walk the stage.
Last year, I attended the first online graduation for a former De Anza graduate, Adelyna Manguerra, 21, business major.
The moment was not nearly as thrilling.
“My experience with online graduation sucked because it felt like a regular Zoom session,” Manguerra said. “Plus I was at work, so my family didn’t even attend the Zoom session with me.”
Manguerra is very close to her loved ones and wanted nothing more than to share the moment with her family.
Watching her graduate over a Zoom call while we were at work made me hope that I would not be facing the same situation.
Even if it meant having to wear masks and be spaced out or holding two graduation ceremonies, I was willing to put up with it.
Students at De Anza like me have worked hard to earn degrees and certificates. Graduating online feels unreal.
Two years ago, I graduated from high school wearing a cap and gown. I walked across the graduation stage and got to immerse myself in the feeling of success.
This year I will be transferring with an ADT in film and will be earning an AA degree in journalism, but I won’t be able to feel the same level of pride.
I can only hope that the college will at least make some improvements from last year, like sending out caps and gowns to wear at home or offering a drive-by graduation.
Students deserve a sense of community as they enter a new chapter in their lives after going through a whole school year isolated. They won’t get it.

My goals in journalism are to become a great writer and to have written as many stories as possible.