Dogs make the best, most loyal pets: Cats bring odors and dead birds

Vanessa Renteria, Staff Writer

Dogs are superior to cats in every way.

They’re fiercely loyal and friendly animals who will do anything for you.

I’ve owned dogs my whole life and they’ve all been amazing and very loving.

I’ve been around cats at my aunt and uncle’s house and all they ever do is scratch and claw at me.

Dogs will protect you if they ever sense any danger and they’ll comfort you when you’re hurt.

It’s like they know exactly how you’re feeling at all times.

They also provide endless amounts of entertainment while cats just kind of lie there with this judgmental look on their face.

Even in the ’90s Nickelodeon cartoon “CatDog,” Dog was the fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, energetic one and Cat was the boring and pretentious one.

When you get home a dog will rush to greet and play with you. If a cat is feeling particularly energetic it might glance at you before going back to sleep.

Even when they do something wrong it’s impossible to be mad at them because they look at you with the saddest eyes ever and you can’t help but forgive them.

Do I even need to mention how bad kitty litter smells? Hint: it’s awful.

Dogs are great if you want to get active because you can take them out for walks or runs.

Cats often leave on their own and you never know when they will return.

You can train dogs to do tricks and enter them in dog shows.

I’ve never once heard of someone entering their cat in a cat show.

Cats kill birds and leave them on your doorstep which is both unsanitary and disgusting.

Dogs need more attention, which is good because it gives you chances to bond with them. Cats are self-sufficient so they just keep to themselves. It makes you feel like you don’t even really have a pet.

Dogs get excited over everything which is very endearing and sweet.

They’ll warm up to you within minutes, whereas cats take forever to show even the slightest interest.

Cats also have the crazy cat lady stigma.

Dogs are known for being cute family pets.

“A dog is a man’s best friend.” I mean, come on, are there any sayings that suggest cats are better for humans than dogs? No, there are not.