The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Cutting various classes any further will limit opportunity for students of De Anza

Saksham Rai | December 5, 2011

As most of us already may know, state funding cuts have resulted in a budget deficit for community colleges. The deficit plaguing the Foothill-De Anza Community College District is of approximately $22.8...

Pakistan visit investigates women’s plight, illiteracy

Syeddah Naqvi | December 5, 2011

This past November, my love of philanthropy took me to the impoverished nation of Pakistan to give back to villages in the outskirts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. With my UNICEF Pashtun translator, we hiked...

The 10th anniversary of the War on Terror

BRIAN ROSE | November 26, 2011

The months of October and November 2011 mark the ten year anniversary of the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. was fighting a war on two fronts and had been at war longer then at any time...

iPhone 4S differs slightly but surely from its predecessor

SUPRIYA VERMA | November 26, 2011

The new iPhone 4S was released on Oct. 14, making it the latest buzz in the world of mobile technology. Consumers have always lusted after Apple products; and the lust only seems to grow stronger whenever...

Palestinians unfairly smeared as terrorists

LEILA FOROUHI | November 26, 2011

The publication of two opposing opinion pieces in La Voz regarding the Israeli-Palestinian prisoner exchange of one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners has cause a wave of controversy...

Problematic high school students? Schools, adopt a uniform dress code

November 26, 2011

If there's one thing that the people of the Bay Area can easily agree upon, is that the idea that the U.S. is a salad bowl of various different nationalities. The influx of multiethnic immigrants and...

A response to Palestine/Israel opinion of 10/31


Dear Editors, There were incorrect statements in an article recently published by La Voz regarding the release of Gilad Shalit. In response to the accusations, the Jews, Israelis and Friends club in De...

Occupy movement stands its ground

LEILA FOROUHI | November 20, 2011

Like scattered wildfires flaring up all over the nation, the Occupy Wall Street movement will be hard to extinguish because of its decentralized nature. In a nationwide effort over the past week, police...

Benjamin Kline

Global Studies: a major, a career, a life


What is a global studies major and why should it matter to you?  Let me put it like this: Demographers say it took until 1804 for the world to reach its first billion people, and a century more until...

Gadhafi’s death dealt with too insensitively

Christina Sullivan | November 4, 2011

  The manner of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's killing has been disputed upon by some saying it may have been too brutal. Presenting Gadhafi's bloodied,  half-naked dead body to a crowd of hundreds...

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