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The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

The voice of De Anza since 1967.

La Voz News

Editorial: Charlie Hebdo

La Voz Weekly, Editorial Board | January 20, 2015

The Jan. 7 attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead, including 10 staff members and two police officers, sparked global debates over freedom of expression and freedom of speech....

De Anza sustainability garners recognition

La Voz Weekly | September 23, 2012

Between the solar panels dotting the college's parking lots, free student bicycle rentals, the wildly popular Eco Pass, electric vehicle charging stations and the completion of the Mediated Learning Center,...

Media and Learning Center -The new building consisting of classrooms and laboratories located near the sunken garden is open to the public from September 24.

Energy efficient Media and Learning Center opens

La Voz Weekly | September 23, 2012

De Anza College faculty scheduled to teach in the new Media and Learning Center were invited to attend a special training session last week to learn about the new features of the just-opened  $36.5...

De Anza derailed by developmental classes

La Voz Weekly | March 1, 2011

The cutting of classes is inevitable. As De Anza College fills with students, its classes fill as well. Heated debates fester in the wings, looming with metaphorical reapers, looking to bring an end to...

Bring back vendors to bring us more money

La Voz Weekly | February 7, 2011

For students everywhere, including De Anza College, going to classes, taking tests and getting into teacher's office hours takes up so much of our day, we often forget to grab that all-important meal...

Re-evaluate tenure system

La Voz Weekly | November 15, 2010

We come to De Anza College to take classes, get college credits, and, if we are lucky, learn something. Instructors are an essential part of this. "Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more,"...

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