Sanborn County Park perfect spot for sporty weekend getaway
Sanborn County Park
Alright, students! Let’s have some fun! It’s time to put away your homework, toss those books aside and enjoy a nice weekend adventure that you’ll never forget.
With the weather still nice, it gives us great opportunity to get out and enjoy some bonding time with one another, which we’re not allowed often.
Usually as a college student, many of us get stuck on the weekends, sitting in the house all day, working hard to finish up homework due for the week to come. Never is there enough time in a day for us to enjoy ourselves and let down our hair. Well, this weekend, the plans have changed and we’re going to get our homework done, while enjoying time with each other in the process.
At Sanborn County Park, 16055 Sanborn Road in Saratoga, we’re going to turn up and turn out for a great weekend camping adventure. Sanborn has so much to offer, and is a wonderful place to camp and hike because of its nice environment, great activities and beautiful areas to explore. We can all exercise, eat and get our homework done while never eliminating the fun and this is how it’s all going down:
Saturday, the meet up is at 8 a.m. at the drive-in campsite at Sanborn County Park. We will meet in the parking area, which is right near our campsite. Once all of the students have arrived, the cars will all be unloaded and all the camping equipment will be set up on the sites reserved for our stay. Once we finish setting up all our equipment, which should be about 10, we will prepare and enjoy a nice healthy breakfast. The breakfast menu includes fresh fruit, boiled eggs, cereal, bagels, turkey bacon and fresh orange juice as well as coffee for all those coffee lovers. After breakfast is done, we will clean up and get ready for check-in time, which is everyone introducing themselves and sharing a special thought, moment or memory. The entire check-in should take at least an hour or two depending on what each student decides to share and should be done by 12.
After we finish our sharing, we will jumprope our way on into the day. Everyone will grab a jump rope from the bag and group up with another individual to prepare for our jump rope spelling bee, where each student will be given a word to spell while jumping with the jump rope, getting rid of all those calories from breakfast. Since this is a game, the winners won’t have to help prepare for lunch and will be the first ones up to take on the next activity. Lunch will then be prepared and served by 3 p.m. and everyone will sit and enjoy an array of sandwiches, fruit and salads. As soon as lunch is over, all the students can relax until it’s time for our horseshoe-tossing competition.
We will meet up at the horseshoe-tossing pits at about 6. The pits are conveniently located next to the major picnic and group-gathering areas of the campsite. When everyone has arrived, the activity will start with the winners of the last competition. Giving it all they have, each student will get an opportunity to toss a horseshoe to see who has the power to land their shoe on the target.
Dinner will be prepared by 8 and everyone will enjoy food that each student prepared. Be creative and serve a dish that’s not only healthy, but good.
After dinner is finished, the night will end with a shared homework activity involving each student helping another finish up whatever homework they brought to the weekend camping adventure. Everyone’s lights should be out no later than 8, because on Sunday morning, students will take a hiking trip to tour the trails of the campsite.
Hiking starts at 10 a.m. Sunday morning, so students should start the preparation for breakfast by 8. Right after breakfast cleanup, it will be time to head for the trail. Everyone will meet up at the trail and the hiking will begin. Experience the solitude of deep forest trails, explore the pathways of our urban centers, or just discover miles of beautiful and scenic trails, many virtually untouched and unknown to but a knowledgeable few. Get in gear and let’s get in motion for a little exercise while you’re at it.
Each student will meet up at the end of the trail at 1 p.m. to make their way back to the campsite for a nice healthy lunch consisting of the same menu from Saturday’s lunch.
It’s that time again for each student to share something special with the group for about an hour or maybe two at the volleyball area. Students should all be there by 4, prepared and ready to share and play.
If you’re going …
Sanborn County Park is located at 16055 Sanborn Road in Saratoga. Head south on Saratoga Road, From and proceed two miles west on Highway 9 to Sanborn Road. Turn left onto Sanborn Road. In one mile, enter the park. Open 8 a.m. to sunset.