De Anza College sends student athletes to all corners of U.S.
GRAPHIC BY: Rafael Villagracia
The De Anza College athletics department is sending 45 student athletes to 33 different schools across 13 states, as of publication of this issue on June 16.
Almost half of the transfering athletes will remain in California, with
the majority accepting offers from public schools in the UC and CSU systems.
Twenty six of the transfering athletes will be attending out-of-state schools. The athlete moving farthest east is Diego Medina-Silva, soccer, who is transfering to New York State University.
This is not a complete list of transfers, as many schools are still sorting out their rosters. Some athletes who’s seasons concluded in spring quarter, such as track and field and baseball, are still working out details and have not yet comitetd to schools. Some athletes wil not commit until July.
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