Drought declaration ushers in a potentially disastrous summer
Wildfires this year may be more devastating due to an increased drought.
Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a drought emergency for much of California and Californians must take precautions to avoid a wildfire-filled summer.
If you grew up in California, you’re probably not phased by the drought declaration because of the severe drought in the early 2010s.
But this indifference will be California’s undoing. Summers are getting hotter, with disastrous consequences — especially if Californians don’t take this drought as seriously as they should.
The precautions Californians must take are minor. They are as simple as taking shorter showers or not letting the faucet run.
Californians must also watch the news to fully understand the dangers this drought will pose in the summer.
Wildfire season is approaching — from July to November — and droughts intensify wildfire risks.
Californians already can’t be trusted during wildfire season. In 2020, a gender reveal party started a 10,000 acre wildfire.
Of course, many will take precautions. But if there’s just enough of a minority who won’t, we are all in danger.
The cards stacked against us this summer. I can’t place my trust in all Californians to understand the gravity of the situation.
Californians must avoid setting off fireworks, staking fires outdoors, and other actions that may spark a fire that can quickly grow out of control.
Although the drought and wildfire season will coincide with the state’s effort to reopen, Californians should take the drought seriously.

Maida is the Impulse and Opinions editor. She is excited to develop her journalistic skills while helping others.