DA VOICES: What have you been watching on Netflix that you recommend?

“The Office, because it’s hilarious. Jim and Dwight are always pranking each other … in season 11 Jim tricked Dwight into becoming his own assistant manager.”
Daniel Aivazian, 19, business major
“The Punisher, I like it a lot because it does a very good job of showing a veteran, and also what the effects of PTSD can be … it’s not exactly how it would be, but I think they do a very good job showing the problems veterans may have … plus the action is pretty amazing.” Tim Nichols, 20, history major
“One of my favorite shows on Netflix has to be “Prison Break”, because I think it’s really interesting and there’s a lot of plot twists. The characters are really good looking … Recently I’ve been watching Sherlock.” Jasmine Thind, 19, computer science major
“I would recommend ‘Vampire Diaries’, because it’s very intense and the storyline has lots of plot twists which keeps you intrigued … I think all the characters are pretty attractive, I feel like thats what makes people want to keep watching it.”
Angelica Pasco, 19, nursing major