Cartoonist leads De Anza students in drawing exercises in Queer Storytelling Workshop Event
Bay Area writer and cartoonist Trinidad Escobar guided attendees through sketches and a self-portrait while discussing her art and experiences as a queer woman in the Queer Storytelling Drawing Workshop on May 13 at De Anza College.
Escobar began with a simple warm-up, asking attendees to draw shapes on pieces of tracing paper and then layering them. She then asked attendees to trace one half of their face, then the other half.
“Feel the way the lead is velvety or really hard,” Escobar said. “Pay attention to how your body responds to what you’re drawing. Are there any judgments coming up immediately about how you’re drawing?”
Escobar asked attendees to put together their various drawings in whatever arrangement they preferred. She showed her own example of the project, then asked students to share how they felt about their piece.
While some felt intimidated at the start of the workshop, the warmth from Escobar and other attendees soothed them.
“I was very intimidated and nervous at first because I do not consider myself an artist,” said Andrea Resendiz, 20, sociology major. “(Once) Trinidad made sure we all felt included and valid, I felt very comfortable and even happy that I was attending the event.”
Some students expressed enthusiasm over how their self-portrait turned out, even comparing their piece to popular media like “Coraline.” Others felt dissatisfied with their work, but happy they attempted the project nonetheless.
Students also tied in their identity to their project, citing how they felt their art reflected their relationship with their gender and sexuality.
Attendees were not only excited to hear about the event, but also hope that De Anza can plan more events like this.
“As a bisexual artist, this workshop allowed me to understand how to join two different parts of my identity,” said Ashley Hin, 20, sculpture major. “I hope events like this can keep happening because I feel like the LGBTQ+ creatives on campus would really feel benefit and feel heard here.”
To check out Trinidad Escobar’s work and support her, visit her website, Instagram, or Patreon.

Maida is the Impulse and Opinions editor. She is excited to develop her journalistic skills while helping others.