Beware the Cult of the Vegan
May 17, 2016
The world of food and dieting is a confusing place filled with gobs of options waiting for you to make the wrong decision. To limit confusion and avoid sharing the eating habits of a rabbit, refrain from joining the radical Cult of the Vegan.
Veganism is an lifestyle that doesn’t allow the consumption of any animal products or by- products. The bland list of foods one can eat includes fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, pasta and soy-based protein like tofu.
Many of the items listed above belong in the diet of a wild deer and not in the diet of energy-sucking humans.
The Cult of the Vegan is corrupting people to diet like deer for multiple reasons. According to the Vegetarian Resource Group, people choose to be vegan for health, environmental and ethical reasons.
Turning to the dark side or veganism for health reasons is common and logical. Vegetables are healthier than meat, but not by much.
Meat is packed with vitamins A, which you cannot easily ingest a healthy amount of while practicing veganism. According to nutritional therapy practitioner and creator of Empowered Sustenance Lauren Geertsen, vitamins A and D are essential for immune regulation, digestion, fertility, and hormone balance.
Besides wanting to trim your waistline, veganism allures to the environmentalists who fight for the everyday rights of plants and animals. They believe that a vegan diet is better for the environment and sets an example to the meat industry that chops cattle to bits on a daily basis.
According to Geertsen it’s the opposite, as vegan diets tend to demand a higher quantity of cereal grains and soy crops that wreck havoc on our ecosystem due to mass farming techniques. And while everyone appreciates your dignified stance in saving the farm animals, the meat industry couldn’t care less about you trying to save Porky the Pig from execution.
If you’re not able to save the planet, the Cult of the Vegan will absolve you of your ethical dilemmas and cure you with a diet free of any animal morsels or body parts. Vegans are washed of any animal cruelties or killings, which allows them to sleep at night with a clear conscience.
Once again the Cult of the Vegan spreads its corruption through lies. According to Geertsen, something dies no matter what you eat including for example the field mice that get crushed in order to crow the corn for a box of vegan cereal.
Hopefully what else dies is your craving to join the Cult of the Vegan and instead enjoy that burger over a kale salad.